The "Babineaux" is added on during election years to pull votes in south Louisiana.
Dumbass of the Month Nominee #3: Governoress Kathleen Blanco
Did I mention that I wasn't putting the nominees in any particular order? If I were, I would've had to put our Governoress first or second as I consider her one of the front runners. Her mistakes, at this point, are too numerous to catalog. I don't have the drive space. I'll touch on some recent highlights.
Everyday I've done my best to crucify Governoress Blanco. She deserves nothing less. Only today, nine days into the man-made disaster that started as a natural one, did she declare martial law and let the military take over completely. I expect to hear all you idiots out there who bitched about the Feds dragging their feet to come unglued over this one. When asked why it took so long to make such an obvious move, an aid who didn't want to be identified stated, "Well, if the military takes over now they'll be able to criticize some of the mistakes she made."
Tonight, I found out why she made this move when she did. A number of National Guard members have been issued gag orders! Somewhere along the way the Governoress apparently figured out that she had failed utterly and completely. No shit, huh?
She wanted to turn over the operation- if you can call it that- to the Feds but was obviously afraid there would be a number of National Guardsmen all too willing to run to their new bosses and spill the beans about what a mess her administration had made of things, like that wasn't brutally evident to any person who'd seen a television anytime during the past week.
Her solution was to issue a gag order to make sure these people keep quite. I can see her now, "Hush, hush everyone! I don't want anyone to find out things have gone sour in New Orleans, so don't say anything, okay?" Nice to see that this manic narcissist is still only thinking of her political future and initiating what will, no doubt, be a far-reaching effort to cover her ass while the bodies are still bloating in the sun.
I can't imagine the gauling ego this woman must have to even THINK she HAS a political future! What do you expect from a person so stupid that she designated that the use of cell phones was to be an integral part of the state's contigency communications plan. She even gave the wireless companies hell because their networks were inoperable ONCE POWER WENT OUT. Somehow, the Governoress was unaware- as unbelieveable as it sounds- that cell phones utilize microwave transmission towers which- DUH!- don't work during power outages! How about some radios? Satellite phones? Hell, even semaphore flags would've been better than sitting there with that dumb look on your face.
Ever the decisive one the Governoress- AFTER the Mayor issued a mandatory evacuation of the city- is currently waiting on results from the water tests before she enforces the order. WHAT BRAND OF MORON DOESN'T REALIZE AT THIS POINT THAT THE WATER IN NEW ORLEANS IS TOXIC SLUDGE??!!! This is absolute stupidity on a Biblical scale!
She's also teamed up with Senatoress Landrieu in seeing to it that President Bush stays pissed off at any split tail who is currently holding a public office in the state of Louisiana. I can't fathom how the sight of Air Force One sparks the rage but for the sake of the people of Louisiana PLEASE restrain the estrogen surges!! The only possible reason I can come up with for this is that she has her eyes on D. C. and is trying to make points with fellow retards like Ted Kennedy. Come to think of it, if you need to talk to anyone about covering your ass when someone drowns and it's your fault, Teddy might be your man! Seriously, better tighten up those resumes ladies because you've got no future in Louisiana.
If you still haven't made up your mind about the Governoress, try and answer the question "What did she do right?" Good luck with that one.
Being that I mentioned it earlier, I'll squeeze this last point in. Everyone is griping about the Feds being flatfooted during the initial response. Exactly how easy do ya'll think it is to mobilize and transport thousands of troops and tons of supplies and equipment? It took FEMA and the military less time to do this than it took for you to plan your last vacation. We deployed to Guam in January- about 8 B-52s and 200 or so people- and it took us MONTHS to plan the logistics. Give'em a break. It isn't as easy as they make it look.
It's a worn and tired cliche but still fits. If Operation FUBAR weren't so tragic, it'd be funny.