The Ranting Redneck

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Senatoress Mary Landrieu goes to the shithouse to check on her career.
Dumbass of the Month Nominee #1: Senatoress Mary Landrieu of Louisiana (D)
As a citizen of the Great State of Louisiana I’ve got to wonder exactly what it is that “Scary Mary” is trying to accomplish. She seems to be focusing all her efforts ensuring that Louisiana maintain its place at the very top of the President’s shit list.

Staggeringly idiotic statements such as, "If one person criticizes [our sheriffs], or says one more thing, including the president of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him – literally,” may earn a chuckle and high marks from her Democrat cronies in the beltway but can only serve to irritate the President. Her constituents will shoulder even more of the burden when the President begins issuing aid packages and I can’t blame the guy. “Hmmmm. . . Should I make it 30 billion or 40 billion? How ‘bout 30 billion, smart ass?”

Another gem Mary let loose was, “He [Bush] came down here and got his photo op.” She made this statement while on television with the cameras audibly clicking away. Photo op? No shit. All ya’ll came down for a photo op. Why do you think Obama and Clinton came down from Illinois and New York to stroll through the Astrodome with Oprah? Oddly enough, she didn’t mention either of them.

No doubt she is posturing to try and take the heat off Governoress Blanco and Mayor Nagin and, like any elected official in south Louisiana right now, salvaging her own career. She needn’t waste her time; the media is working that problem 24/7. I fail to see how pissing off the man holding the money will help the people of Louisiana in any way, shape or form. Pop some Midol and curb your PMS, bitch. You have people down here just trying to survive and you’re taking cheap shots and having slap fights with the man in charge. Get in the back seat, shut the hell up, and let the man drive!


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