The Ranting Redneck

Monday, September 05, 2005

Several more days into this thing and, though I didn’t think that it was possible, I am even more disgusted by our Governoress than ever.

The question of her impeachment is a no-brainer so far as I am concerned. We need to see that she’s thrown out on her ass. Beyond that, criminal charges should be filed, she should be indicted, tried, and convicted. She should then sit a good many years in the cell next to Edwin Edwards.

This woman made so many critical errors which had such a vastly negative impact the word “incompetent” doesn’t begin to cover it.

One of the first bungles was not seeing that the city WAS ACTUALLY EVACUATED after the order was- too late- given. New Orleans indeed had an evacuation plan for those who could not remove themselves by utilizing 300 of the cities buses. This plan would’ve been fine had the leadership been assertive and concise enough to make this decision in time. However, due to hand-wringing and indecision the Governoress and the Mayor both waited far too long.

The second avoidable mistake was not having the disaster shelters stocked with food and water, a back up power system as well as provisions for security. What good is an unprepared disaster preparedness shelter?

The third grievous error was her refusal to let the operation be federalized at the earliest possible moment. It should’ve been obvious to the Governoress before anyone else- as she didn’t have a plan for anything- the reins should’ve been turned over to someone competent far sooner. The only reason I can fathom for this one is the Governoress had visions of a 9/11 Giulliani-like wave of popularity after it was all over. After a day or two of fumbling, once the ball had clearly been dropped, she mercifully let the people who could help do just that.

The fourth mistake the Governoress is making, and it seems she is teaming up with Senatoress Mary Landrieu on this one, is going out of her way to piss off President Bush. Like it or not, he’s the one holding the purse strings you idiots! You broads would be doing us all a favor if you put the PMS on hold for the next several months and work with this man!

Speaking of the dollars and cents, the a shockingly poignant wrong step that we are ALL currently taking is not keeping an eye on the money. I heard an audible “no” come out of my own mouth when I heard Presidents Bush (41) and Clinton (I hope to God 42 and ONLY 42) say that the money they generate will be distributed to the state and local governments- the same inept morons who made so many errors leading up to this crisis. Money in the hands of a Louisiana politician just has a way of disappearing and after it does no one seems to know a damn thing about what happened to it.

Getting on to something else, I got a reminder of just why I so seldom watch network news or news shows. Watching Nightline, or part of it, last night was an exercise in pure frustration. I’ve never seen such one-sided nonsense since, well, the last time I watched a network news show. “Yes, we’re going to look at who’s to blame” said host what’s his name with the wrinkled brow. This ought to be good. Gee, I just wonder who they’re going to blame. Who was the special guest they had for “objective” commentary? George Stephanopolous! I had to laugh! No one else, just Clinton’s spinmeister. Way to split it right down the middle boys! I really felt like I heard both sides on that one!

I don’t watch network news because I already know what they’re going to say. It’s a waste of time. At least I don’t have to waste time telling you what Stephanopolous said, I’m sure you already know.

And I’ll leave off with this last item: Senatoress Mary Landrieu on television delivering cheap shots concerning President Bush’s visit to the Gulf Coast. “He got his photo op.” Nice Mary, really nice. Of course, you uttered this while you were on television in New Orleans yourself, getting your OWN photo op. We all know you would’ve said something just as ugly had he NOT shown up, so what was the guy supposed to do? Oddly enough, you were silent when Senators Clinton and Obama arrived in Houston with Oprah for their own time in front of the camera.

There weren’t two disasters in New Orleans. There were three: Katrina, the flood and Blanco.


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