The Ranting Redneck

Saturday, September 10, 2005

No caption necessary, a picture is worth a thousand words!
Dumbass of the Month Nominee #5, Senatoress Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York (D)

Good God Almighty, isn't there a muzzle out there big enough to get around this broad's pie hole? This one is gonna be short and sweet. As much as I despise this (alleged) woman, I refuse to waste more than a few minutes on her.
Thankfully, Hillary has lately been taking the advice of her handlers and keeping her mouth shut. Some time ago they figured out that she loses potential votes any time she pipes up as it does nothing but reveal she has indeed graduated to that next level of stupidity. It's the old saying, "If you are stupid, it's better to keep quiet and let people wonder rather than open your mouth and confirm it."
Last week, of course, it was handlers be damned- wild horses couldn't keep her away. With so much potential publicity you just knew she'd come sniffing around. This broad is drawn to cameras, microphones, and lights like. . . well. . . like her husband is drawn to chubby interns. She couldn't resist the photo op and the chance to bestow some her wisdom upon all of us underlings. Just what business a New York Senatoress had down here is anyone's guess, I'm thinking she heard something about a dike in New Orleans busting loose and got the wrong idea.
This idiot calling for an investigation into FEMA is like Saddam Hussein demanding I go to jail for the pack of baseball cards I lifted when I was 10. One investigation at a time, honey. How about you cough up those Rose Law Firm documents and we get that investigation taken care of first?
You didn't call for an investigation when Michael Brown kept things well in hand after Florida got slapped with four hurricanes in a row, did you? Jeb Bush and Mike Brown had it by the balls. Ask yourself what the variables are here. Toss one inept, power hungry Governoress from Louisiana in the mix and you've all the sudden got the biggest mess this country has ever seen.
If you aren't going to pick up a pitchfork and some body bags and go to work maybe you could stand in the morgue to keep the stiffs cold or let us use Chelsea as a cadaver dog. If you don't like those options then carry your doughnut-bumping ass back to the Hampton's, your sham marriage, and your zipper chest husband and stay out of the damn way!


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