The Ranting Redneck

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Dumbass of the Month Nominee: Any weatherman who stands out in a hurricane!
Maybe I've missed a few but there appears to be a noticeable dumbass drought this month. Well, not so much a drought as the same dumbasses revisiting the same subjects and repeating the same stupid things. I guess I don't have the energy for all of them.
One group I do have enough spunk left to nominate would be the hurricane weather reporter. Why in the hell do news stations find it necessary to send a canary out into nature's fury?
Most of the time, it's entertaining. If the storm is really bad, we get to watch these idiots dodge debris and get pelted by a wall of water while admonishing all of us ignorant viewers to stay inside. If the storm turns out to be minor, we get to watch the same morons stand out in a slow drizzle trying to make a story out of a total anti-climax. "While the storm has weakened significantly, we still have relatively strong winds. . . " as the camera pans in on a discarded McDonald's bag skipping along a sidewalk filled with tourists and their children.
Even during the worst storms, the chances are good that these people will make out just fine but they seem to be taking a risk for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I know what a bad storm looks like, I don't need a reminder. If I did, I still wouldn't need to see it 24 hours a day. Ah well, it's your neck buddy.
Who can blame them, though? I suppose if I was working for WSUX out of Asscrack, Iowa I'd want to get out of the office every now and then myself.